Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements



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 A chronology of IACS since 1997

Preparation to begin publication of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements
Preparatory meeting in Tokyo
Preparatory meeting in Hong Kong for the July 1998 Taipei Conference
July 10-11
Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Mainland Cultural Studies Conference (Venue: Taipei)
July 13-16
-The 1998 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference: Problematising Asia (Venue: Taipei)
-Post-conference: Editorial Board formally established
October 17-18
- Editorial Board Meeting in Manila
-‘Cultural Studies: Local and Global’ Workshop in University of the Philippines
February 27-28
-Editorial Board Meeting in Seoul
-‘Asian Cultural Studies in Transitions’ Worshop in Seoul National University
September 18-19
“Practices of Cultural Studies in Taiwan: Retrospects and Prospects” Conference (Venue: Taipei)
November 28
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum I: An International Roundtable: Why Inter-Asia? Critical Encounters (Venue: Taipei)
January 8
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum II: Arif Dirlik (Venue: Taipei)
Culture against History? The Politics of East Asian Identity
March 23-24
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum III: Chua Beng Huat
-Culture and Consumption: Singapore’s Shopping Centers and McDonald’s (Venue: Hsinchu)
-Public Spaces and Community Memories: Singapore and Taipei (Venue: Taipei)
Publication of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements, vol.1, issue 1
April 1
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements Journal Launch in Colombo
April 8
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum IV: Jeannie Martin (Venue: Taipei)
-On the Street: Chinese Food, Homeless and Objects of Belonging
April 14-15
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum V: Haejoang Cho (Venue: Taipei)
-Let’s give back Youth their human rights and citizenship—The Youth Question and Korean Modernity
April 21-22
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum VI: Cho Heeyeon (Venue: Taipei)
-Globalization of Social Movements: South Korean Experiences
-Social Movements after the Shift of Political Powers: South Korea and Taiwan
April 27-29
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum VII: Shunya Yoshimi (Venue: Taipei)
-Workshop: Conditions of Cultural Studies
-Consumer America: the Tokyo Disney Land,
-From Ginza to Shibuya: the Transformation of Social Cultural Space
May 12
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum VIII: Stephen Chan (Venue: Taipei)
-The Imagination of Hong Kong Urban Culture—Around 1997
June 2-4
Chair in History, Thought and Culture: Partha Chatterjee (Venue: Taipei)
-Locating Political Society: Modernity, State Violence and Postcolonial Democracies
(1)    Workshop: Community in the East
(2)    Democracy and the Violence of the State: A Political Negotiation of Death
(3)    On Civil and Political Society in Postcolonial Democracies
June 4
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements Journal Launch and party in Taipei.
June 22
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements Journal Launch in Crossroads in Cultural Studies Conference, Birmingham
July 8
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements Journal Launch in Tokyo
July 15
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements Journal Launch in Singapore
-Editorial Meeting in Singapore
-“Cultural Studies in Southeast Asia” Workshop, in Department of Sociology, National University of Singapore
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements Journal Launch in Hong Kong.
December 1-3
-”Cultural Studies and local journals alliance” Roundtable
-2000 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Transitional Era, Transformative Work Conference, organized with Kyushu University
-Editorial Meeting in Kyushu University, Fukuoka
December 18
Forum on Chinese Cultural Production in Asian Cities (Venue: Taipei)
December 21
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum X: Dai Jinhua (Venue: Hsinchu)
-Class, Gender and Cultural Performance—With Discussion of Practices and Problematics of Cultural Studies in Beijing
December 22
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum XI: Zhang Yung-xin (Venue: Taipei)
-Malaysian Political and Social Movements after the “Anwar Incident”
December 23
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Forum XII: Dai Jinhua (Venue: Taipei)
-Class Differentiation and Various Imaginations
June 30 – July 2
-The Nexus Project: Critical Institutions and Inter-Asia Networking Workshop (Venue: Taipei)
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements Journal Launch in Beijing
Editorial Meeting, Beijing
-Established Asia Research Institute in National University of Singapore
-Cultural Studies in Asia Cluster
October 18
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Movement Seminar, Press Center, Seoul.
November 5-11
The Second Taipei Forum: Asian NGOs: “Critical reflections on the NGOs movements.” Organized by Career Foundation
November 6
Roundtable: Responses to the September 11 Incident in Asia (Venue: Taipei)
Editorial Meeting in Bangalore, CSCS
Workshop: “Alternatives”: political theory/activism/cultural studies, Bangalore, CSCS
-Editorial Meeting in Tokyo
-“New Dimensions of Cultural Studies: Globalization, War, Media and Cultural Studies” Conference in Tokyo (predecessor of Cultural Typhoon)
-”New Dimensions of Cultural Studies: Colonial Structure of Knowledge Production” Workshop, Chin Chon, Kangwon National University
Editorial Meeting in Chiang Mai, Thailand
November 3
-Roundtable—Inter-Asia Comparative Film Studies: problems and problematics (with Kim Soyoung, Chris Berry, etc (Venue: Taipei)
-Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements Journal Launch in Bangalore, India
-Preparatory Meeting of 2004 IACS Conference
Organizing IACS panel in AAS Annual Conference, New York
February 21
Editorial board meeting in Bangalore: IACS will publish 4 issues per year
February 21-25
2004 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference: “Cultural Theory for Asia: New Pedagogic Possibilities”, Bangalore, India
October 30-31
-Editorial Meeting in Seoul; Preparatory Meeting of the 2005 Seoul Conference
-Workshop on Inter-Asia Cultural Studies take on Korean Cinema: modernity, globalization, gender: fromHousemaid to Old Boy
(Venue: Korean National University of Arts, Seoul)
Accepted by Social Science Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI), Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences (CC/S&BS), Current Contents/Arts & Humanities (CC/A&H)
January 11
The 2005 Cultural Forum for Chinese in Asia: Nexus of Chinese, Asia and The Third World (Venue: Taipei)
IACS is going to be published in March, June, September and December, 4 Issues per year, starting from Vol. 6.
April 29-30
“Asia’s Hou Hsiao-Hsien: Cinema, History and Culture” Conference (Venue: Singapore)
July 21
-Editorial Meeting in Seoul
-IACS Student Pre-Conference in Seoul
July 22-24
2005 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Conference in Seoul: “Emerging Subjectivities, Movements and Culture”
August 1-3
“The Cultural Transformations of the Asian Sixties” Panel, Centennial Conference: Asian Horizons—”Cities, States and Societies” (Venue: Singapore)
January 12-16
-Teaching Cultural Studies Workshop
-Signing MOU with Asian Academic Institutions
(Venue: Jongli, Taiwan)
-Panel on “Rethinking the Regional” (with David Morley, Kim Soyoung, Wang Xiaoming, Ien Ang and Chris Berry) in International Association for Cultural Studies Crossroad Conference (Venue: Istanbul)
-Editorial Meeting in Istanbul
-Conference of East Asian Critical Journals (Organized by Creation and Criticism) in Korea
October 23-26
-Asia Culture Forum in Gwangju
-Organizing the double panel: “Critical intellectual work and the role of publishers in Asia” in Asian Publisher Conference
December 1-3
“Globalizing Academic Publication in Asia” Conference (Venue: Hsinchu)
January 9-10
The 2007 Cultural Forum for Chinese in Asia: Conditions of Knowledge (Venue: Taipei)
May 10-11
Chair in History, Thought and Culture: Mizoguchi Yuzo
-The “Public” and “Private” in China (Venue: Hsinchu)
-To Observe Modern China from the Perspective of Hsinhai Revolution;
(Venue: Taipei)
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Reader Book Launch in Shanghai
June 15-17
2007 Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Shanghai Conference: “Conditions of Knowledge and Cultural Production”, Shanghai University
September 8-10
Conference on the Conditions of Knowledge in Korea, Japan and Chinese Speaking Areas (Venue: Beijing)
May 21-26
Chair in History, Thought and Culture: Paik Nak-chung
-Notions of the Third World and national literatures in the age of globalization (Venue: Hsinchu)
-Toward a planetary approach to Western literary canons
-Barriers to reconciliation in East Asia: The case of two Koreas and its regional implications (Venue: Taipei)
June 30-July 3
The 1st Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Society Summer Camp (Venue: Seoul)
May 24-25
Conference of East Asian Critical Journals: Conditions of reconciliation: an international symposium for East Asian critical journals (Venue: Taipei)
August 1-2
Reflective Meeting on Center for Asian-Pacific/Cultural Studies and Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements (Venue: Hsinchu)
August 1
Relocation of the Editorial Office to National Chiao Tung University, and Establishment of Center for Asian-Pacific/Cultural Studies in NCTU
August 25-29
Cultural Studies Summer Camp for Phd. Students from Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and China (Venue: Taipei)
January 6
Forum on Scholarly Exchange and Knowledge Production (Venue: Jhongli)
March 25
Featured Speech: Luo Gang
-”To Solidify the Family” and “To Destroy the Family” (Venue: Hsinchu)
April 8–15
Inter-Asia Cultural Studies: Movements 10th Anniversary Event Series (Venue: Hsinchu)
April 11
Reflections and Imaginations: 10th Anniversary Symposium for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, Hsinchu)
April 12-13
Editorial Meeting
July 3-5
-2009 IACS Cultural Typhoon Conference “Cultural Studies and Asia: Past, Present and Future” (Venue: Tokyo, Japan)
-Signed the MOU for the establishment of CIACSI (Consortium of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Institutions)
September –November
2009 Chair in Thought, History and Culture: Qian Li-Qun (Venue : Hsinchu and Taipei)
(1) Conditions of Thought in Post-war China: Me and PRC, Mao Zedong in the past sixty years
 (2) A Seminar on Lu Xun: Selected Works of Lu Xun
 (1) Re-meet Lu Xun: The tradition of Lu Xun Leftist
 (2) Chen Yingzhen and The tradition of Lu Xun
July 3-4
Inaugural Meeting /Plenary Roundtable /Assembly and Workshop of the Consortium for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Institutions (CIACSI) (Venue: Seoul)
July 5-14
IACS Society Summer School (Venue: Seoul)
November 12–13
Consortium for Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Institutions (CIACSI) Steering Committee Meeting (Venue: Kunming, China)
November 24-27
2010 Chair in Thought, History and Culture: Arasaki Moriteru
(1) Turnings of Problematics in the Past Half- Century of Okinawan Intellectual History
(2) The Okinawan Problem in the Context of East Asia
(3) The Role of Okinawa in Contemporary East Asia
(Venue: Hsinchu, Taipei and Kinmen, Taiwan)
November 26-28
Historical Culture of the Cold War-- East Asian Critical Journals Conference
(Venue: Kinmen)
June 17-18
Modern Asian Thought Project: 2011 East Asian Critical Journals Workshop in Shanghai
September 20-22
2011 Chair in Thought, History and Culture: Ikegami Yoshihiko
“Post-War Japanese Society and the Thoughts of the People (Minshū)”
(Venue: Hsinchu)
December 16, 18
CIACSI Steering Committee Meeting; IACS Society Board Meeting; IACS Society Members Meeting (Venue: Dhaka, Bangladesh)
December 17-18
IACS Society conference “Cultural Transformation: Development Initiatives and Social Movements”, hosted by BRAC University (Venue: Dhaka)
March 23-25
-International Symposium on the Future of Inter-Asia Cultural Studies
-IACS Consortium Steering Committee Meeting
-IACS Society Board Meeting
(Venue: Hsinchu)
June 29-30
-East Asian Critical Journals Conference: East Asia in 2012, Searching for an Alternative Development Model (Venue: Seoul)
August 02-16
The CIACSI Summer School 2012 “The Asian Edge” in Bangalore, India
October 12-18
“World in Transition, Imagination in Flux—2012 Shanghai Forum for Asian Circle of Thought” (Venue: Shanghai)
November 10
IACS degree program established in UTS, Taiwan, and the program formally started in September 2013
June 28-30
East Asia Critical Journal Conference: “Interconnecting East Asia: Toward Genuine Regional Peace” (Venue: Naha)
July 1-2
2013 IACSS Graduate Conference “Cultural Studies Transcending Borders: Shifting Perspectives in Asia” (Venue: Singapore)
July 3-5
-2013 IACSS Biannual Conference “Beyond the Culture Industry”
-CIACSI Steering Committee Meeting; IACS Society Board Meeting; IACS Society Members Meeting
(Venue: Singapore)
September-January 2014
2013 Chair in Thought, History and Culture: M. Madhava Prasad
“Thoughts of Freedom: India’s 20th Century” (Venue: Hsinchu)
June 30
CIACSI Steering Committee Meeting and General Assembly Meeting (Venue: Hsinchu)
July 1-15
2014 IACSS Summer School “Introduction to Modern Asian Thought” (Venue: Hsinchu)
July 14-18
2014 Annual lecture: Ashis Nandy (Co-organized with Modern Asian Thought Project)
-Memory Work (Venue: Hsinchu)
-By way of Nandy’s perspective: Leftist political activists in the unification vs independence binary in Taiwan (Venue: Taipei)
-Conversation with Nandy: About The Intimate Enemy and The Illegitimacy of Nationalism (Venue: Taipei)
May 30-31
East Asian Critical Journal Conference “Colonial Asia” (Venue: Hong Kong)
August 7-9
-2015 IACSS Conference “Undercurrents: Unearthing Hidden Social and Discursive Practices”
-CIACSI Steering Committee Meeting and IACSS General Assembly Meeting
(Venue: Surabaya)



About Us


Notes for contributors

Vol 25.2

25.2 visual essay

Vol 1-10

Vol 11-20

Vol 21-

Vol 10-15 visual essay

Vol 16-20 visual essay

Vol 21- visual essay

IACS Society

Consortium of IACS Institutions

Related Publications

IACS Conferences

A Chronology

About Us


Notes for contributors

Vol 25.2

25.2 visual essay

Vol 1-10

Vol 11-20

Vol 21-

Vol 10-15 visual essay

Vol 16-20 visual essay

Vol 21- visual essay

IACS Society

Consortium of IACS Institutions

Related Publications

IACS Conferences

A Chronology